Thursday 18 September 2014

Scotland Decides

Well the polls have now closed and the votes will be counted overnight. By breakfast time we will know whether to people of Scotland have voted Yes or No to Independence. This is such an important day for our country! I have butterflies in my tummy. I normally never disclose what I have voted, but this is such a unique occasion that I will state for the record that I have voted No. The general opinion seems to be that it will be a Yes to Independence, and there was a huge SNP rally in George Square last night which seemed to be more like a victory celebration.
In other news Grandma's 85th birthday was on Sunday and we went out for a family lunch with Grandma, Forrest, Marjory and family to the Piersland Lodge Hotel in Troon, scene of many Anderson family celebrations over the years. The meal was pleasant and we had birthday cake before going for a walk on the beach. I think that Grandma really enjoyed her birthday.

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