Sunday 7 September 2014

An evening at the Museum and a night at the hospital

After the Ayrshire Air Show James and I had a quick turnaround because we were going out in the evening to a concert at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. We quickly got changed, collected Grandma, and arrived in good time for a pre-concert drinks reception in the French Gallery - very nice! The concert was great with a lively and varied programme; Rossini's William Tell overture, several arias by Puccini, and music from Bizet's Carmen. There was also Verdi's overture to The Force of Destiny, Tchaikovsky's fantasy overture to Romeo and Juliet and my personal favourite which was the intermezzo sinfonico from Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana. I enjoyed every minute of it; the hall at the Art Galleries was a beautiful setting.
Grandma seemed to be enjoying herself too, but we didn't realise until we were at the concert that she was wearing a scarf wrapped round one of her hands to disguise an injured finger which had blood leaking through the bandage. It turned out that earlier in the day she had shut her finger in the door of a taxi, it must have been very sore. When we got home Jamie took a look at it and advised an immediate visit to A & E because the was very discoloured and swollen with a gaping cut in the side. He didn't want to wait because of the possibility of infection. Jamie and I took her there and waited for ages but it was worth it because she got an x ray (no break luckily) and had it properly cleaned and dressed. Grandma was very brave even though I could tell it hurt her a lot. When we got back down the road it was the middle of the night and we were absolutely exhausted. We made sure that Grandma was tucked into bed before going home.

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