Monday 22 September 2014

Moving On Together

Well the referendum is over and the majority voted to stay in the Union. 2 million voted No and 1.6 million voted Yes. It was quite exciting waking up to the news on Friday morning, because it was a big deal; I have never felt so directly affected by politics. However I am now thoroughly bored of the endless analysis and arguments that have followed. Let's move on.
As soon as school finished on Friday I set off to the Pentlands for the last Duke of Edinburgh expedition of the season. It was a lovely weekend with my Dukey friends, and after some rain on Saturday morning the weather was warm and sunny. I had an unfortunate fall on my way back from the toilet block in the dark on Saturday evening; I was in the process of switching on my torch when I tripped up a step and found myself rolling along the ground. It was very scary but I escaped with a skinned knee and a grazed hand. The main excitement on Sunday was finding a crepe van at Harlaw Reservoir visitor centre. We have never seen one there before and I was soon enjoying a delicious coffee and a chocolate crepe - luxury!

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