Sunday 31 August 2014

Blueberries on The Goet

James decided that today we should climb a Corbett and so we did. He chose The Goet in Glen Clova in Angus. I had my doubts about this because of the four hour round trip involved but on a sunny Sunday we had plenty of time so why not? We set off nice and early and had a great walk. There was a gently sloping walk in before it got a bit steeper, which was good for me to warm up my leg muscles. I did moan a bit when the going got tougher but I made it to the summit without any real problems, and James told me that I was ten minutes ahead of "book time." We enjoyed eating wild blueberries on the way up, and there were lots of big hares dashing about near the top. The views were amazing with Lochnagar and the Cairngorm plateau to the north, and the Firths of Tay and Forth to the south. To the east we could see the North Sea past Arbroath and to the west were the hills of Glenshee. 
We walked back to the car in a big circle around the crags above Loch Wharral, disturbing a few grouse who came flapping out of the heather as we made our way down the hill.

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