Sunday 17 August 2014

A weekend by myself

Jamie is in Edinburgh, Ally is in Oslo, and James and Davie are on a hill-walking weekend to Kinlochewe so I have been all by myself since Friday. 
Here's what I did on my weekend of solitude as well as a few household chores; had a lovely curry, watched two French Art House films, had my hair cut, went shopping in Waitrose, had brunch in Charlie Rocks and read my book. Excellent. I admit that I did work rather late on Friday but I brought no work home with me, and it has been a very relaxing weekend. The only disappointment was that I went to Tollcross Baths on Saturday intending to swim, only to find that it does not reopen post Commonwealth Games until Tuesday. 
My boys will be home mid afternoon and then Grandma is coming for tea so my time alone is fast coming to a close. It will be nice to see them, but my quiet weekend has been really enjoyable.

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