Friday 18 April 2014

Weekend at Dundonnell

A quick blog from our hostel at Dundonnell which has turned out to be very nice and clean (I always have my doubts about hostels because they do vary in quality). We set off northwards at 8 a.m. and made good speed, stopping for brunch in Inverness. It was an absolutely beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky. James picked out a hill (Beinn Liath Mhòr a' Ghiubhais Li) for us to climb near the Fannichs. There wasn't any path and we climbed towards the first summit on tussocky heather which was sometimes quite wet and boggy underneath. The views of lochs and mountains were stunningly beautiful. It was a lovely walk even though I fell twice on the steep slope on the way down!  Cat was impressed by the way I rolled downwards as I fell! I didn't go to the top of the Corbett because I felt tired so I took my time and asked the others just to go on ahead, but I estimated that my ascent was about 380 metres. After checking into the hostel we all went for dinner to the Dundonnell Hotel which had hearty food and a singing group was rehearsing in the corner which was quite pleasant.
Back at the hostel the whisky came out and a convivial evening ensured. 

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