Saturday 12 April 2014

Orkney in April Part Two

We spent our third day in Orkney going for another walk, this time to the north-east of the mainland to Mull Head. We were lucky to have another dry day, and it was less windy than the day before although it was a bit hazy and therefore the colours were less bright. We visited the Gloup which is a "geo" (a narrow and deep cleft in the face of a cliff). In this case it is also a collapsed sea cave which makes it extra long and spectacular. We then followed the coastline round to the Brough of Deerness which is nearly a separate island, reached by descending a set of steep steps down the cliff face to a rocky shore and then back up equally steep steps to a grass topped rock. On the top are the remains of a tiny Norse chapel where we left a coin as an offering before tackling the slippery steps again. We walked on to the Covenanters' memorial and then turned inland to walk along country lanes back to the car park, a total walk of about 9 km.
We went back to Kirkwall where we had lunch in the Real Food Cafe at the back of Judith Glue's before heading back to the airport for our 3.20 p.m. flight.
When we got home David had kindly made the dinner and Jack was looking good (Davie had conscientiously given him his pills while we were away). We watched the first episode of Game of Thrones Season 4 - I wore a Targaryen t-shirt that I had specially purchased for the occasion!

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