Monday 14 April 2014

Sitting Oot

Well this is rather lovely. I am sitting in the garden in warm evening sunlight with my husband at my side. I think it's the first time we have sat outside this year. And it's warm enough that I am wearing a t shirt with no jumper. Jack is sitting on a cushion at our feet enjoying the heat of the sun on his furry back.
Jack's health has much improved although he is still on three different types of antibiotics and he still needs to be seen by the vet every few days. He now also has an irregular heartbeat which may or may not be connected to the infection behind his eye - on our last but one visit the vet said that his wee heart was "having a party in his rib cage" So he is now on diuretics to clear fluid from outside his lungs and he seems to be doing well. To see him sitting in the sunshine in his garden you wouldn't think that there has been anything the matter with him. 
Davie and I had lunch in town today (TGIF of course!) and did some clothes shopping for him and got him a much needed haircut. I was struck by how pleasant and intelligent David's company is, we chatted and laughed and talked about everything from music to politics. Now tea is ready (chicken with pesto and pasta) so I must go inside to serve it out.

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