Sunday 20 April 2014

The danger of wild goats

Today everyone headed to a variety of hill walks and cycles, in groups of two or three people. The weather was better than ever; there was not a cloud in the sky. James and Davie went to bag a Corbett and Ally and Cat joined a group who were going to climb a couple of the Fannichs. Jamie and I drove to Poolewe where I walked round Loch Kernsary in the Letterewe Estate, a distance of about 10 km. it was a really lovely walk, on one side of the loch was a landrover track and on the other side was a picturesque little path winding along the side of the hill. There were some very friendly horses in a field at the head of the loch, I think they thought that I was going to feed them! Eventually the path left the loch and as I went over a small hill, Poolewe came into view below me, looking very pretty in the sunshine. Meanwhile Jamie had a 21 mlle route planned, a much extended version of my route. Parts of it turned out to be very uneven and stony and one part was so boggy that he had to change his route, but he completed his distance and arrived back at the car only about twenty minutes after me (I had several stops to relax on my route!) Jamie was tired; it's the longest that he has ever run, but he was pleased at how he had got on despite the rocky terrain. We went to Inverewe Gardens for a well deserved coffee before heading back to the hostel. 
After my shower it was still warm enough to sit outside and read my book for a while. In the evening we all went back to the Dundonnell Hotel and had an excellent evening. 
The road between the hostel and the hotel has lots of wild goats grazing on the gorse bushes at the side of it. I have had to drive cautiously because they have a self destructive habit of wandering across the road suddenly! And one baby goat actually lay in the middle of the road, looking like road kill - which it very nearly became!

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