Wednesday 19 October 2011

Finding our way around Jersey

Today was Jersey's Election day and the local news channel said that it is Jersey's first ever general election. This is because Deputies, Senators and Connétables are all being elected on the same day for the first time in order to stop some candidates from having "two bites of the cherry" by standing again for a Deputy post after failing to be elected as a Senator. We have seen all the posters displayed around the island since we arrived and have been impressed by the polite way they are all worded "PLEASE vote for ......." Today we passed a few polling stations on our travels. Our first destination was La Mare Wine Estate which is somewhere in the north of the island, none of can be sure where because the signs were so confusing that we only arrived by good luck. It was worth it though; a really interesting tour from a lovely guide called Iain including wine and liqueur tasting (David and I had apple juice). James, Grandma and Ally only liked one wine out of three and Grandma bought a bottle of it to drink at dinner time. There was also chocolate tasting which we all enjoyed! We had a very pleasant walk through the vineyard before a nice lunch in their restaurant. Ally and Davie had "island platters" which contained lots of local seafood such as smoked salmon, prawns and crab.
James, Ally and Davie then walked from Gifford Bay via Bouley Bay to Rozel Bay, about seven miles. Grandma and I dropped them off at the start point and then got thoroughly lost driving about the narrow Jersey roads. Grandma resourcefully suggested that since we were trying to head north east we should have the sun behind us; this worked very well and soon we saw a sign to Rozel Bay, which is a very picturesque little harbour. We had a walk around then had coffee at a cafe called The Hungry Man. We chatted and Grandma read her newspaper while I read my book ("And the Land Lay Still" by James Robertson, I'm reading it for Cambuslang book club). How lovely to be able to sit outside (wearing jackets) in warm sunshine in October! James, Ally and Davie joined us after their walk which they had all enjoyed, and we headed back to the cottage via Waitrose where we got ingredients for dinner. A relaxing evening ensued. 

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