Friday 7 October 2011

Glad to be at home

Today I was on jury duty. This meant a lot of waiting at the High Court, a whole day wasted. I was very glad that my name was not picked, not just because of the inconvenience but because the nature of the case is very unpleasant and I had better say no more about that. Later there was some very sad news about one of my colleagues at school; just awful and a shock. And that's all I will say about that.
So it has not been a good day and I have decided to have a comforting Friday evening television-fest with James and Davie. We have already watched a Liam Neeson film called Taken which was a pleasant enough although somewhat unlikely thriller. Now we are watching a programme I recorded called All Roads Lead Home which features three celebrities navigating around the countryside trying to navigate by nature e.g. position of sun, types of lichen, animal poo etc. It's quite interesting.
I have returned to Proust after breaking off to read my book club book. I'm still enjoying it and I feel sorry for the way Swann is being taken advantage of, but also a bit annoyed at him for letting it happen. It reminds me of some of my own feelings and experiences. Having just switched to a contemporary novel and back again I do notice the floweriness of Proust's language which makes it feel a little dated, but it's good stuff. 

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