Tuesday 4 October 2011

Sunset Song Revisited

Davie is studying Sunset Song by Lewis Grassic Gibbon as one of his Higher English texts and last night I was helping him to make some notes on it. I read it myself when I was at school and I had forgotten how good it is. Guilt and religion, love and loss; it's powerful stuff. I was impressed at David's insights into it, and we had a really good discussion about it. I have had to put Proust on hold while I quickly read a book for Book Club tomorrow evening "Whatever you love" by Louise Doughty, which seems quite disturbing so far. I will try to finish it tonight. Alasdair is sitting beside me on the couch, watching me blog to make sure that I don't write about him. He is always on his high horse about not wanting to be mentioned. Luckily he  has started watching television instead. I had better post this before he notices. 

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