Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Day trip to Guernsey

It was an early start for us today when we set off at ten to eight expecting to be at the St Helier ferry terminal at eight in plenty of time for our nine o'clock sailing to Guernsey. Imagine our surprise and dismay when we found ourselves crawling along in the Jersey rush hour and the minutes ticking away alarmingly. However we got to the ferry still in fairly good time, only to find that hired cars are not permitted to leave the island! The ferry staff were very pleasant about it (in fact I'm finding that every person I meet from Jersey is extremely pleasant), but it is not permitted under any circumstances so we set off as foot passengers. The ferry is smart and modern; as we left St Helier there was quite a swell when we got to the open sea! The ship seemed to lift up and then crash down a few times, and there were quite a few people being sick but luckily no one in our party! However we reached St Peter Port safely and hired a wee car to take us round the island. First stop was the Occupation Museum, it was really interesting, the islanders had a very hard time under the German occupation. They must have felt very abandoned when the British demilitarised the islands. I read a very good fiction book a while ago called "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" which was set in those times, so I found it very moving to find out more about the real stories of what went on. Then we went to a sandy wee beach called Petit Bot and had a walk about on it, there were three friendly ducks who followed us about, unfortunately we had nothing to feed them. There are gun emplacements everywhere on Guernsey, we drove round quite a lot of the coast and it was bristling with them. We had lunch in a lovely bistro then drove to St Peter Port and wandered around the winding streets, it's a very pretty small town set on a hillside. The journey back on the ferry was not so bumpy and we are now about to have dinner with Grandma here at our little cottage. 

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