Sunday 2 October 2011

It finally stopped raining!

I woke this morning to find rain still battering on the tent; if anything it was heavier than ever. I had stuffed my boots with newspaper last night and they were a lot dryer than yesterday. Kenny put his radio on inside his tent and we heard the song "Raindrops keep falling on my head" which I thought was very appropriate. We all got washed, breakfasted and packed up the tents, all in the rain. We arranged the checkpoints and the rest of the staff set off while I sent out the three groups of pupils at twenty minute intervals. The day went very well and the pupils were great, they all passed their qualifying expedition, and had such a positive and cheerful attitude. I walked in to meet them towards the end of the walk and as I was walking up a small hill I realised that something strange had happened - it wasn't raining! By the time we got back to the car park there was even some patches of blue sky, sadly too late for our walk! Home and had a bath, where I discovered that I had not one but TWO ticks sticking into my side! They must have jumped on to me as I walked through the bracken yesterday. Yeuch! James gave me his tick removing tweezers to get rid of them. Later I collected Ally from his Duke of Edinburgh sea kayaking practice expedition to Loch Linnhe, he had enjoyed it despite the weather. He was telling me about riding on the tide. Then we all had dinner with Grandma and now I'm heading to my comfy bed. I think it is raining again outside but I'm warm and dry so I don't mind.  

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