Sunday 2 June 2024

Definitely Summer!

So here we are in June, and although the sunshine is alternating with rain, it really is summery. It just doesn’t get all that cold even when the weather is mixed. I have been spending a lot of time at the Sports Centre swimming outdoors, and James came with me for a spa on Friday. Nature has exploded into life; every bush and tree is burgeoning with lush green foliage. 

On Saturday morning I went to Susan T’s Coffee morning to raise funds for her Africa trip. I went along just to support her but ended up having some pleasant chats with lots of old acquaintances. I had a lovely chat with Susan’s niece Mollie, who was selling home made bracelets. We were swapping stories about embarrassing situations and I told her about holding on to what I thought was my Dad’s trouser leg when I was a small child, only to look across and see my Dad standing a short distance away. Mollie loved this story. I bought a bracelet for Heather with the slogan “bestie.”

Later Heather & Ewan came for dinner and I gave Heather her bracelet. I was gratified that she put it on straight away. Dinner was ok but somehow not as special as I had planned. My tapas starters were a bit ho hum. The main course and dessert turned out well though. We had a lovely evening chatting about all sorts. 

On Sunday Davie and Chanel came over because Davie has been propagating some vegetables to grow in the garden; pumpkins, butternut squash and green beans. He worked away to plant them and tied them to stakes for them to grow up. Meanwhile Chanel and I relaxed in the hammock and the stripey swing seat and chatted. The cats enjoyed their visit and paid them lots of attention; Tom even came trotting out of the house like a little dog when Davie called him! Then we all had dinner before they set off back to Stirling. 

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