Sunday 9 June 2024

Dunure and Curry

Chanel persuaded me to join today’s Hill-Walking Club’s day walk from Dunure to Turnberry, and despite me not completing the walk, I was very glad that she did because it was a lovely day. We arrived at the Harbourside café at Dunure at 10 where we all (ten of us) had coffee before setting off. Cars had to be relocated so that there were some at the end of the route, but eventually we set off in warm sunshine. Unfortunately it was a bit too warm for me, and the route diverged from the sea into woodland, so I quickly overheated and decided to retrace my steps to Dunure after about 3 km. With hindsight I might have been better to press on; the weather quite quickly became cooler and breezier and I might have been fine. However, no regrets, I had a very pleasant 6 km walk and when I was on my way back to Dunure I enjoyed listening to birdsong and looking at the views, as well as exploring the castle and village. I was amazed that while the village got quite busy by mid afternoon, there was hardly anyone on the Ayr Coastal path after it left the village, which seemed a shame on such a beautiful day. 

After their much longer walk, James, Davie and Chanel collected me from Dunure and the lifts that James had arranged to people’s cars all worked smoothly. 

We picked up a curry in East Kilbride on the way home and arrived just as Ally and Cat returned from their last wedding event at Shauna’s parents’ house. The four young folk have all been very busy and haven’t seen each other for a while, it was heart-warming to see them all chatting away together over the curry. Ally and Cat regaled us with tales of the wedding; Ally’s speech had gone down very well and was much complimented. They had enjoyed it all very much.

It was a really good evening, after which Davie and Chanel headed back to Stirling and Ally and Cat headed to bed happy but rather tired after all the wedding festivities. James and I weren’t too late to bed either. 

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