Thursday 20 June 2024

The longest day and Aperol Spritz

So here we are at the longest day of the year and the weather remains summery. Steven and Hilary came round for lunch today and we sat outside in the garden for coffee afterwards and it was delightful. We even watched a seagull attempting to chase a buzzard away, probably to protect its chicks in its nest. Both birds were very high up, circling around each other, and we could hear the seagull screeching at the buzzard. They rose higher and higher and finally the buzzard gave up and moved off. Seagulls are of course seaside birds, but they also build nests on rooftops in urban and suburban areas. 

In other news I was at EK book club last night; we went for dinner to Arigo’s in East Kilbride village and had a good laugh. While we were there Heather and Ewan sent a message on our “Aperol isn’t Dead” WhatsApp group, it was a photo of them drinking margaritas at a rooftop bar on their holiday in Chicago. This WhatsApp group has been going for years, I think that Cat set it up originally, and it consists of photos of ourselves drinking Aperol Spritzes in various locations around the world. The contributors are the Black and Anderson families. We are flexible about the nature of the drink as long as the photo is taken in the kind of exotic location where one might drink an Aperol Spritz, hence today’s margarita photos. 

Jenn happened to be drinking an Aperol Spritz in the restaurant when the message arrived on my phone so I asked her if I could take a photo of it to post it on the Aperol WhatsApp group. She happily agreed and when I explained why, everyone in book group was very taken with the idea! 

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