Saturday 8 June 2024

Wedding and Baby

Ally asked me to collect him and Cat from Motherwell Station at 11.30 p.m. on Thursday. They are in Scotland to attend their friend Matthew’s wedding to a Cambuslang girl, Shauna. Ally is one of the two best men, and he rehearsed his speech to us, it’s very good; funny and affectionate and not offensive to any elderly relatives who may be present. 

After working in their Glasgow offices on Friday Ally and Cat went to a pre-wedding dinner on Friday evening, and then the main event was on Saturday. There will also be a post wedding lunch on Sunday, so it is a full on wedding weekend for them! 

So on Saturday morning I gave Ally a lift to Crossbasket Hotel because he was expected to arrive early for his Best Man duties. He looked very smart and handsome in his kilt. The hotel is on a back road near Blantyre and I have never been there before. It looks fabulous, like a wee castle. It has a reputation for good (but pricey) meals, so I must try it out some time with James. And then I went back there a couple of hours later to drop off Cat in time for the 1.30 p.m. wedding; she looked absolutely gorgeous in a pale blue dress with very high and very sparkly heels. After I dropped her off I drove straight to Carolyn’s baby shower in Jackton. It seems no time since her first baby shower a few weeks before Harris was born; in fact it has been three years and her new little one is due at the beginning of July. It was a relaxing and fun afternoon in great company; such a nice group of Carolyn’s friends and her Mum and mother-in-law. We played baby-related games (e.g. pin the dummy on the baby, guess the size of the bump) and quizzes, and ate a huge and delicious buffet. A great afternoon. 

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