Thursday 30 May 2024

Ladies Lunching

We set off south on Tuesday after sprucing up the cottage ready for our next visit. We thought that we were being subtle when we packed up, but Flora quickly hid under the bed and Tom disappeared into the garden and didn’t come back for ages! It only delayed us for three quarters of an hour during which time we sat outside the cottage enjoying the sunshine. Eventually Tom reappeared in his good-natured way and approached us enquiringly, and we bundled both cats into the car and set off homewards. The journey south had no delays but there was quite a lot of traffic so it wasn’t our fastest journey. However by mid afternoon we were home and had a relaxing evening. 

Today I had “lunch with the ladies,” my school chums Maggie, Libby, Helen and Wendy. We have had lunch in Zizzi’s in Princes Square so often that the waitress Blanca knows us and our favourite foods! Very recently Libby has become a Grandma, as well as Wendy, who is now a Granny of two. We had lots of baby chat and also wedding chat, because Maggie’s daughter Megan got married (in France!) in April and her son Donald will get married next year. Among all the good news there was worrying news about one of our sons’ partners. Life is never fair it seems. It was, as ever, a pleasant and supportive occasion with good friends. 

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