Monday 20 May 2024

High Tide in Ullapool

We had a quick turnaround today to set off for Ullapool after arriving back from London last night. This haste is because we have our Waverley trip from Ullapool in a couple of days. So the washing machine worked overtime and by lunchtime we were ready to go. James had locked the cat flap before we packed the car, because the cats can recognise the signs that we are going on a journey and will often hide from us outdoors. Unfortunately Tom managed to burst the cat flap open, with his henchwoman Flora hot on his heels, and both of them escaped into the garden! After a short delay we managed to entice them back, and soon we were on our way. 

We arrived in Ullapool just before 6, about half an hour before high tide. It was an absolutely beautiful early evening so we headed straight down to the estuary and I had a lovely swim; the water didn’t even feel cold and the tide was so high that some of the grass and sea thrift on the shore were submerged in the water, the little pink flowers waving under the ripples. A man and his dog appeared with a canoe and set off out into the loch; the man told us that it was the dog’s first time; it was impressively calm as they paddled off. The cats were very happy to be back at the cottage and we had a relaxing evening. 

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