Friday 3 May 2024

James has a fall

It was a fine, sunny morning so James went out for a walk in the morning to Loch Achall and then around Ullapool Hill. Unfortunately he fell on his way back, just above the Royal Hotel, and twisted both his knee and his ankle. He was really hobbling afterwards; the trouble is that he has damaged both knees on several occasions which hill-walking and he certainly wants to avoid needing surgery on one or both of them. 

We went through to Dingwall to have lunch with with Alison and Hugh at the Storehouse Café right beside the Moray Firth with lovely views of the water. It was light and airy and we had a good chat; it always great to catch up with them.

Davie and Chanel arrived in the evening for the first May holiday weekend. How happy it makes me that they like the cottage so much; they are planning to come here with friends in August.  

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