Sunday 19 May 2024

Romans and Rooftop Lunch

Another lovely day with Ally and Cat before our departure back to Glasgow in the evening. After breakfast on the balcony, we went to the “Life in the Roman Army” exhibition in the British Museum. It was a really good exhibition. As James pointed out, the fact that it picked out one aspect of the Roman Empire -  the Roman soldiers as they lived, fought and even hoped to retire one day if they were lucky - gave the exhibition a proper focus instead of just displaying a bunch of old relics. Next, we went to the Garden Rooftop Restaurant in Charing Cross Road, near Leicester Square. Cat and I had looked for a rooftop restaurant because of the good weather and this fitted the bill perfectly. The restaurant is indoors but has big windows which were open today, letting a slight breeze to cool us, and with splendid views over the city in all directions. The meal was decent although outshone by the amazing location. 

Back at Ally and Cat’s beautiful flat they put the sunshade onto the balcony and we had ice lollies before the time came to leave for the airport at about half past five. We were so sad to leave Ally and Cat, although of course excited to see Tom and Flora. It really has been a great holiday. 

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