Monday 31 March 2014

Birthday and Mother's Day

Friday was Alasdair's birthday and we celebrated it with a rather nice curry which I collected on the way home from work. Jamie popped in on the way to a party with Champagne and a birthday cake and Ashleigh had come round to see Davie; we all sang Happy Birthday. Cat gave Ally the present that she has been planning in great detail over the past few weeks. It is a three day hill-walking trip to the Lochalsh area, where they will climb ten Munros including the Five Sisters of Kintail. They will spend the nights at the Cluanie Inn. It is such a thoughtful present, perfect for Ally, and he was absolutely delighted! Davie gave Ally a collection of flags from the countries that he visited last summer, and James and I gave him a rucksack, ice axe, and a "Kew Gardens" 50 pence coin that he has been wanting. I think he thoroughly enjoyed his birthday.
On Saturday James, Ally, Cat and Davie went hill-walkIng to Ben Ime. Apparently it was very wild and windy and when I came home from shopping they were all fast asleep exhausted! In the evening James, David and I went to the cinema to see The Book Thief. I loved the book, and I found the film to be a good quality depiction of it, although it didn't really add anything for me.
And Mother's Day was great - very relaxing. A lie in, a walk round "Strathbleak Park", a bath and a Chinese meal; lovely. I got cards, flowers, and a tiny plastic trophy which has a sticker on it "No. 1 the Best Mum in the World" I suspect that this was intended to be sarcastic but I love it and am keeping it on display at my side at all times. Grandma, Forrest, Marjory and the children came round for the meal and we had a nice evening together. 

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