Tuesday 25 March 2014

Tradition in interaction with modern society

What a catchy title! Not really. It is the tag-line of the brochure for the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo, where Alasdair will be spending the academic year of 2014 - 2015. Inspired by this I ordered two Eyewitness Guides to Norway, one for me and one for Ally. They arrived today and we had a browse through them before tea time. I don't know much about Norway and I had to look at the map to confirm exactly where it is! According to the guide book it is the self-styled "home of ski-ing" although Ally thinks that there is more emphasis on cross country and telemark ski-ing than on downhill ski-ing. That wouldn't put me off because I have always wanted to try cross-country. It all looks very beautiful - fjords, forests, lakes and mountains so lots of outdoorsy activities. Oslo itself is a historic harbour city with lots of museums and restaurants, not surprisingly specialising in seafood. Ally is really excited about going there and I look forward to visiting him - I have ordered a teach yourself Norwegian CD so that we can learn a bit of the language too.
This evening I went out for tea with Jackie to a really good new burger bar called Buddy's - the burger was excellent and it was very busy for a Tuesday night - it was a young crowd and I think the boys would like it. We finished up with a coffee at The Bungo and a lovely chat. 

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