Tuesday 23 October 2012

May Ogilvie

I am so sorry to hear that my godmother May has died. She was a lovely person, full of life and fun, and I can hardly believe that I won't see her again. It's a shock because although she was in her late seventies she looked younger and had a really youthful outlook. She and her husband Raymond emigrated to Canada as a young married couple in the 1960s and settled in Mississauga near Toronto, where they lived happily for the rest of their life together. They made frequent visits back to Scotland to see friends and family, and that's when we would see them. I remember seeing May at a family wedding and she was carrying a tiny baby who I think was premature. This was Graeme, the elder of her two boys, the younger one being Keith. May absolutely adored her two boys and always used to tell us how they were getting on.
James and I, Ally and Davie visited May and Raymond in 2008 when we were on holiday in Canada. Their home is beautiful and they made us feel so welcome. They picked us up in their car from our hotel in Toronto and took us to Niagara on the Lake which is beautiful, and to the canal which bypasses Niagara Falls. Ally and Davie liked them very much too, May had such a gift for being genuinely interested in people and the boys instantly took to her. Later we went back to their house where Raymond was in charge of barbecuing the steaks on their amazing huge outdoors gas barbecue, while May bustled about in the kitchen and prepared gorgeous side dishes and salads. Raymond was so busy chatting that he almost let the steaks burn, and it was a really happy evening sitting in their lovely garden. They were such a great couple and lived life to the full, travelling as well as playing an active part in their community. Both May and Raymond were doctors; May was an anaesthetist, and she was always asking about Jamie's medical studies and she and Raymond always spoke to him like a fellow professional even though they were eminent doctors and Jamie just a student starting out.
In the last few years May got into emailing which was great, and we exchanged emails regularly which made it easier to keep in touch. May was very kind to me when my Mum died and told me stories of their youth.
The last time that we saw May and Raymond was in September last year, when we met up with them and Raymond's sister Anne for a very enjoyable lunch in St Andrews. As usual they were great company, telling us stories of their travels. May had a gorgeous Scottish / Canadian accent which was very attractive.
This year they were very much looking forward to their son Graeme's wedding to Priscilla in Brazil in the summer. It took place before May fell ill so I'm glad that she got the chance to enjoy it. Jamie, Ally and Davie were all upset when we told them that May has died; she was just one of those really good people that you feel lucky to have in your life. We will miss her. 

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