Sunday 21 October 2012

And the ship sails on

Tonight the Navigator of the Seas is sailing south again towards Sicily, on its last week of Mediterranean cruising before it heads to the Caribbean for the winter. However we are no longer aboard, because today was the last day of our holiday and we have flown home.
The day went well; we didn't have a particularly early start because we didn't have to leave the ship until a civilised 9.30 a.m. We shared a taxi to Fiumicino with a group of six very friendly Norwegians who had all been celebrating their 30th wedding anniversaries. They all had lots of children and their hobby seemed to be deer shooting! The lively journey took about an hour and soon we were checked in and ready to go. Unfortunately the plane was not ready to go due to a technical fault! We were delayed for an hour and a half, which was not disastrous but by this time we were keen to just get home. The journey then continued with no further incident and I was glad that we had booked the meal option because by now it was mid-afternoon and we were quite hungry. The plane actually ran out of food so everyone else must have been hungry too.
It was great to see Davie safe home from his Duke of Edinburgh expedition. I am delighted to say that he has now passed his Gold expedition section. He had enjoyed walking in the Lake District but it was very demanding and he is absolutely shattered! When he set off home he accidentally got on a bus from Keswick to Preston instead of Penrith and found himself sixty miles further south than he should have been! David claims that he was dehydrated and exhausted and that's why he was confused! Anyway he asked for directions and managed to get on a train that was going north, so all was well. And the train conductor very kindly didn't charge him the extra fare.
Also at home we were very pleased to find Jamie, who was home for the weekend. He had lots of stories to tell us about his placements and was full of the joys as usual. Grandma came round and we all had a Chinese meal and a good chat; Grandma loves to hear about Jamie's love life! The only person who was missing was Alasdair; he has been in Edinburgh visiting Cat for the weekend; he phoned to say hello and we will see him tomorrow. And so we are home again home again jiggety jig, and it's time for me to go to bed. 

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