Friday 26 October 2012

Gifted Cat

James has been down south three days this week which means that he has to leave the house hours before the rest of us get up. We all tend to struggle to get up without James' prompting, and often it is left to my furry boy Jack to wake me. He waits until both alarms have gone off and if I don't get up he jumps up onto the bed and walks up and down on me. If that doesn't work he sits on my chest and stares at me to see if my eyes are open, and stretches out his claws gently to touch my face. That usually does the trick.
However today Jack surpassed himself. After he had gone through his usual routine I was still dozing a bit, and when I opened my eyes he was pulling the duvet off my face with his teeth! I'm not kidding, he was actually using his teeth to pull it back! I am so proud of my clever cat and I immediately texted James in London to let him know and James was suitably impressed.

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