Saturday 6 October 2012

A colourful day

When David and I were on our way up to school yesterday the sky looked amazing - a pale but bright blue overlaid with big grey and white clouds. It was a beautiful day; when I was on playground duty the trees were bright gold and a flock of birds flew past casting big bird shadows on the walls of the school. The day went really well and everyone was on good form - at one point a pupil was playing the piano and I was dancing a bit, and one of the other pupils said "She looks as if she's having a seizure!" which I thought was probably very apt! After school I rushed home to finish packing and drive up into Perthshire; by six o'clock I had arrived at Guay to join my colleagues and the D of E Silver Group for our last expedition of the season. Shona cooked us an absolutely delicious meal of nachos followed by pasta bolognaise with garlic bread. We had a lovely and relaxing evening. 

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