Thursday 11 October 2012

Holiday Preparations

It has been a busy week at work and I have also been so busy getting ready for the October holiday! Following my clothes shopping trip I have done most of my packing now and I have also been getting Davie ready for his Duke of Edinburgh expedition next week. We went to Sainsbury's yesterday and got all the food that he will need; he was a lot clearer about what he wanted this time, which shows that he has learned a lot from his last expedition. He has packed his rucksack all ready for setting off to the Lake District on Monday and seems very well prepared. I have also done a large online shopping for Alasdair to survive on next week while we are all away; Alasdair does not have a holiday next week because it is term time at University. He will be at home alone from Monday until Friday - well not quite alone because furry Jack will be there to keep him company! 

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