Tuesday 14 February 2017

Valentines Day

It has been a very enjoyable Valentines Day. It's the last day of the February school holiday so I spent a relaxing morning pottering around the house; my new study / den is just about ready and I'm  very happy with it. Then I picked up James from work at 12.30 and we went out for lunch together. We went to the Fish People Restaurant just beside Shields Road Subway; I visited it a few years ago with friends and it was really good. Lunch was delicious and we had a good chat about all sorts of things, including holidays and future plans. After lunch we took the Subway round to St George's Cross and walked along Great Western Road and then went down steps to the river and on into the Botanic Gardens. It was a sunny afternoon and the west end was looking fine. We returned to Shields Road from Hillhead Subway. 

By the time we got home Ally had taken delivery of the new television for the front living room. This is cause for great excitement at Casa Anderson because we very rarely replace our televisions, keeping them until they are very out of date. In fact I think this is only our third television in 32 years, although the boys have a small one that they use for gaming. So when we get a new one the leap forward in technology is dizzying. Much time has been spent trying out its various facilities and exclaiming over the clarity and size of its screen. I can't help noticing that the bigger (55 inch) screen shows the actors' pores and pimples rather too clearly!

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