Sunday 26 February 2017

Storm Ewan

Back to Strathclyde Park today and it was even rainier than during my First Aid course last week! We were being battered and soaked by "Storm Ewan" which is coming in from the west. This recent trend by the Met Office of naming storms makes them seem more personal and menacing (hurricanes have been given names for a long time, and are of course more serious and a very rare event here in Scotland) When I saw it on the lunch time news I found it amusing that this storm has the same name as our dear friend Ewan, and I see that one of the Met Office's chosen names for potential storms later in the year is Storm Susan! I love it! 

Anyway we doggedly walked round the loch, which takes about an hour at a fairly brisk pace, and we both felt better for the exercise. In the afternoon James put up some paintings in my new den and it is looking great! 

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