Tuesday 21 February 2017

First Aid

I have just been on a two day first aid course which is a requirement for me to continue being a D of E leader for my council. It was both useful and great fun. I knew quite a few people who were also on the course, some of whom I first met in my BELA course back in 2006. It was nice to spend time with them. I recognised the course instructor straight away - it was George Fell who was one of my original BELA instructors. He was just as enthusiastic as I remembered him, and he made the course really interesting. The two days flew by and I felt well reminded and updated about first aid - most important things to remember? Keep yourself and the injured person safe and get help as soon as possible. We spent a good deal of time practising various scenarios outside, particularly on the last afternoon when we were bandaging, lifting and doing CPR in a cold and rainy Strathclyde Park. I was dressed appropriately for the weather but my feet got very cold - I phoned James from the car as I was driving home and he ran a lovely hot bath for me, which warmed me up nicely. However I didn't have much time to linger in it because James and I were heading to the hill-walking club AGM for 6.30 pm! A convivial evening ensued and I performed my annual duty of taking the minutes.

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