Monday 6 February 2017

White Teeth

I was back at Yoga today and I found it to be both strenuous and relaxing. Strenuous because it's harder work to get into and maintain the positions than it looks. And relaxing because I love the bit at the end when we wrap ourselves in fleecy blankets and loosen off all our muscles and feel really tranquil.
Today is day four of the teeth whitening that James gave me for my Christmas and birthday. I hasten to say that this was at my own request - James was not criticising my teeth! My teeth have never been gleaming white, and as I have got older I think they have become very dull. So I consulted my dentist and have now embarked on a programme of self-administered teeth whitening. I hadn't realised that I would need to do it at home; I thought that I would get it all sorted on one visit to the dentist. However it turns out to be more complicated than that. A mould was made of my teeth to produce two bleaching trays, into which I have to put whitening gel and wear them overnight. Four days in, my gums are red raw and my teeth are ... kind of sore! Goodness knows what the whitener is made of, but it's strong stuff! Anyway I shall persevere and report back.

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