Monday 13 February 2017

Pokemon Afternoon

This afternoon Alasdair shepherded me into the car and persuaded me to drive him over to Tollcross Park where apparently there was a "nest" of Pokemon. His aim was to find these cartoon creatures and catch them, using the app on his phone. It was a nice day for a walk and I'm not sure if I have ever been to the surprisingly large Tollcross Park before. Every now and then, Ally would stop when he detected a Pokemon and then "capture" it by tapping on his phone screen. Although I know that these creatures are not real I couldn't help glancing over in the direction he was pointing his phone, half expecting to see one of them come lumbering out of the bushes. Capturing them also seemed a little cruel to me - his phone screen showed them being shut inside a red and white ball, from where they attempted to escape before being finally subdued. But when I asked what would happen later to the unfortunate beasts I got a very withering look from Ally!

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