Tuesday 28 February 2017

Ally passes his driving test at last!

There has been great rejoicing at Casa Anderson because today Alasdair has finally passed his driving test on his 4th attempt. His test was just before 3 pm so I was thinking about him all afternoon, and he phoned me with the good news just as I was leaving school to go to the cinema with Catherine. We were on our way to see "I, Daniel Blake" a film recommended to us by two of our book club chums who work for the NHS. They had watched it with the rest of the health board directorate as part of their professional development last week at the new Royal Hospital for Children, which has a cinema in it, which can be used for ill children and their parents. They said it was harrowing but very good, and now that I have watched it I would agree with that. The actor who played Daniel Blake (Dave Johns) was absolutely excellent and portrayed the title character with humour and dignity. It was not an easy film to watch, but it gave me a lot to think about.

Meanwhile Alasdair enjoyed his driving test achievement by going to see the rock band Sum 41 at the Barrowland. As I write this he is still out celebrating!

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