Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Snowy Snowy Snowy

Today all of the lifts in the resort were closed, because of heavy snow and high winds. We were philosophical about this because we all know that it’s the risk you take when you go skiing in January. We have mostly been very lucky whether we have skied at the new year, January or Easter, and even when it has been snowy or misty it has never lasted for the whole week. However I felt a bit out of sorts, nothing to do with lack of skiing; I woke with a headache which didn’t really shift until dinner time. I did some Children’s Panel modules in the morning; I’m a wee bit concerned that the clientele will be too similar in many ways to those I worked with in my former job as a DHT. I will see how I feel after the next training day. After lunch Heather suggested that I might feel better after a walk down through the village so off we set. It was snowy and slushy underfoot, but it was good to get some fresh air and after a nap back at the room I fell much better in the evening, when we had our usual convivial dinner. The snow continued to fall heavily outside, it was really beautiful seeing the big flakes of snow descending past the windows. sunshine is predicted for tomorrow so fingers crossed! 

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