Thursday, 23 January 2025

Much Preparation

My Children’s Panel training has got off to a faltering start. In my defence, I looked at the website before Christmas and did a couple of short pre-training courses, and I assumed that this was the preparation for the first training session of which we had been told. However I didn’t check the website at all in January; I wasn’t well of course but also I just didn’t think about it. I arrived at the training room in the Leonardo Hotel in Glasgow bright and early on Tuesday morning for my first day, only to be pleasantly but firmly turned away because I hadn’t completed the preparation for Day 1 of the training! Oh dear! When I got back home I logged in to the website and sure enough there were the training modules as well as several reminder emails. Mea culpa. 
The kind and efficient admin, Tina, booked me in for the next day’s training and I spent the rest of Tuesday completing the Introductory Preparation. It took ages. I submitted it in the afternoon but found to my horror that until it was assessed I would not be able to access my Session 1 Preparation. I phoned Tina first thing on Wednesday morning to explain and she very understandingly transferred me to the Thursday session. I spent all day Wednesday working on the Session 1 preparation, which included lots of reading, multiple choice assessments and preparing a case study. Wednesday was James’ 63rd birthday and we went out for a nice dinner to Six by Nico, the one in Byres Road. But when we got home I still had about another hour of studying to do. 
By the time I arrived back at the Leonardo Hotel on Thursday morning I felt well prepared, but it was a full on day; there is so much to learn. By the end I was absolutely exhausted and strangely close to tears. James heated up hearty home made bean stew for dinner and we watched the last couple of episodes of the ridiculous Scottish drama The Rig and I felt much better. 

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