Monday, 20 January 2025

Getting Better

It is taking a long time to get over this chest infection. I’m getting better every day but I’m still wheezy and unfeasibly tired. I have started going out for short walks near to home; one day James and I walked a 5 km round trip to Burnside where we had coffee, and another day I took Vinnie out for a walk around the parks because Rachel and John were at a meeting. It was great to spend some time with Vinnie again, I told him about my grand-dog Whisky but Vinnie was more interested in chasing his ball! Heather and Ewan came for dinner and I made a beef tagine which turned out well; I made myself roasted vegetables using the same spices of cinnamon and ginger. James made his famous crème brûlées for dessert which were perfect, and we served them with pomegranate seeds to give them a middle-eastern twist. I had coffee with Christine in Dunlop and we have had a curry with Davie and Chanel, so I am easing my way back into society! 

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