Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Antibiotic Woman

I have just taken my 5th antibiotic tablet and though I don’t feel tip top yet, my ear has stopped hurting and my cough feels less dreadful. I still feel full of cold symptoms but I have high hopes that I’m on the mend. 

We are now back in Cambuslang which is cold and dreich, unlike the beautiful but treacherous snowy streets of Ullapool. Cornel and Heather came to visit us in Ullapool for a couple of days at the weekend and were delightful guests. I put as brave a face on my lurgy as I possibly could and James says that I appeared to be fine apart from a bit of coughing and sneezing. Heather and I went for a walk around the icy streets of the village and we both thought that we were walking at a reasonable pace when two teenage girls just strolled past us much faster! It was very funny! Meanwhile James and Cornel went for a much longer and snowier walk up the valley past Loch Achall and across the hills. We had a lovely dinner at the Caley Bistrot which was the only place open, most restaurants having gone into hibernation for the winter. I really enjoyed Cornel and Heather’s company and we had some great chats but when they left on Sunday morning I kind of virtually collapsed and James had to do all of the driving on the way home. And I have spent the last couple of days resting, mostly in bed, as well as obtaining antibiotics from a very sensible and knowledgeable prescribing pharmacist. Luckily I have had the company of Tom and Flora. Tom has been pulling the cat nip plants out of their wire container; there are bits of leaves and soil all round it. And Flora has been cuddling up to me rather touchingly. 

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