Sunday 30 June 2024

White and Green Summer

Cow parsley always tells me that summer has arrived in Scotland, because its distinctive white clusters of flowers are everywhere on the roadsides. White and bright green are the colours of summer for me. As well as cow parsley there are elderflowers and delicate bramble flowers. This week I have been swimming a couple of times in the estuary just down the path and I have enjoyed it very much. The sea pinks and grass at the water’s edge are half submerged in the loch at high tide, which looks really pretty under the rippling waves and provides a delightful springy cushion to walk on as I enter the water. I still like to wear my neoprene socks which provide a little protection from any sharp stones further in. After swimming about for a while I dried off on the grassy banks of the estuary in the sunshine before the short walk back to the cottage. 

Usually I have a cup of tea and a nice warm shower on my return, but a couple of days ago our heating and hot water suddenly stopped working. The heating doesn’t matter at this time of year because it’s a warm wee cottage and James lights the fire in the evenings. But having no hot water is a problem. James has manfully braved cold showers but my hair is quite long just now and I can’t face staying in a cold shower long enough to shampoo, condition, and rinse it. So I have been going swimming to the sports centre and showering there instead. The sports centre doesn’t seem as horribly hot as it usually is, so I have enjoyed my swims. 

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