Monday 24 June 2024

Tom is attacked by a Seagull

We are having a peaceful and pleasant time in Ullapool. I am in the process of changing some meds so this quiet time is very helpful. Last night we watched Scotland’s third match in the Euros; Hungary scored 10 minutes into extra time and definitively knocked Scotland out. At least it cut short the misery. 

The cats are enjoying the good weather and spending lots of time outdoors. Yesterday I happened to look out of the window and noticed Tommy sitting on the top step in a relaxed pose, his tail resting on the paving slab straight out behind him. At that very moment a seagull appeared very fast from behind him and swooped right down to attack him, or at least to noise him up. I don’t know if it actually made contact with him but it gave Tom a huge surprise and he jumped into the air and twisted round; by that time the seagull was long gone! I wonder why the seagull did that? Tom had certainly not been provoking it, so it must have recognised him as being a cat, presumably sworn enemies of seagulls, and thought that it would have a go at him in passing. 

James cut the grass and we both sat outside on the bench with a cup of tea, enjoying the view of the loch and mountains. 

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