Saturday 22 June 2024

Lucy is 21!

William and Merle came round for coffee yesterday afternoon and we had a lovely chat. We haven’t seen them since a family funeral last year and William seems a little frailer at 88, and he has had some health problems, but they were both on good form and we talked about family stories and heard about their grandchildren, who are all grown up, some with children of their own. It was very interesting to hear how the business had finally come to be wound up and how different people in the family had reacted and behaved. James had made some of his excellent shortbread which went down very well with our cups of tea. 

And today we also spent time with family, in Edinburgh for Lucy’s 21st birthday lunch. There were eleven of us; Marjory and Forrest and their three offspring, two boyfriends - James and Murray - and Lynn with Anna. Douglas was working today and unfortunately Sheena is still in hospital, hopefully improving and more mobile. Lunch was at the Dome in George Street, such a grand and attractive venue and the meal was superb. Marjory was a bit dismayed that we had been allocated two tables instead of one, but it all worked out and we started off with an “old table” and a “young table” and then after our main courses we all swapped seats several times so that we could chat with everyone. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and nice to spend time with the young folk. We set off home late afternoon and decided that instead of setting off the next morning, we should pack quickly and set off to Ullapool this evening. We caught the cats without too much trouble; Floof didn’t suspect a thing and Tom was only just starting to be suspicious. We started our journey northwards at 8 p.m. on the dot and the journey went smoothly; there was hardly any traffic. North of Pitlochry a wee creature ran across the road, causing the car ahead of us to swerve; James thought that it was a mink. It managed to dash to the other side of the road unscathed. Between Contin and Ullapool we saw quite a few deer by the side of the road, always a concern in case they suddenly dash across in front of us. We arrived at the cottage just a few minutes before midnight and the cats both ran into the garden to stretch their legs and probably go to the toilet. Then they appeared in the cottage demanding food before we all went to bed. 

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