Monday 21 June 2021

The Longest Day of 2021

And here we are at the longest day of the year. It has been warm and sunny all day. I got the cottage ready for Heather and Ewan who will be arriving tomorrow, and James worked in the garden. In the afternoon we strolled into the village and had drinks at the Ferry Boat Inn then picked up fish suppers on our way home. There was something very special about the quality of the light this afternoon; the water in the loch was so clear and the mountains at the end of the loch were shades of pastel colours. 
After tea we sat outside on the bench in the sunshine. The sun set at about half past ten and I went up to Castle Terrace to take a few photos of the pink and blue evening sky. It was still as light as day. As I type this it’s just coming up to midnight and the sky is not completely dark here in Ullapool. 

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