Wednesday 9 June 2021

Ash and Birch

Alison and Hugh had told us about their new kittens and I couldn’t wait to meet them when we visited. They are brothers, about 10 weeks old, and both very sweet. 
Ash has soft black fur, medium long, with a small white patch on his chest. On closer inspection his fur is actually a mix of black and dark brown, with hints of chestnut. I have never seen a kitten with so much hair sprouting out of his ears! So cute! He is slightly more reserved with strangers (us!) than his brother is, but is very lively and certainly holds his own in their rough and tumble. 
Birch has shorter fur, with tabby striped legs and a spotted pattern on his back and tummy that make me think that he has Bengal relatives; his markings are extremely attractive. He is currently more outgoing towards humans than his brother, and has such a beautiful wee face, full of curiosity about his world. 
As you can probably tell, I am absolutely besotted with these kittens! How can two such tiny wee bundles of fur have such big characters! They are enjoying exploring Alison and Hugh’s house and they are allowed to go outside for short periods. They are fascinated by climbing everything in the house that they can, and playing with their toys, and pulling down dish towels from the rail, and hiding behind plants in the garden. But most of all they are fascinated with each other - they play fight and chase each other constantly, proving that the best toy that you can give a kitten is another kitten! 

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