Monday 28 December 2020

Carpe Diem

We are now in that strange time between Christmas and New Year. All the stranger in 2020 of course! It’s usually a quiet time for us with maybe a few social outings, but nearly the whole of the UK went back into Tier 4 on Boxing Day so no cafés or pubs or restaurants are open. 
As the year draws to a close we have just heard that the Grandpa of one of Ally’s friends has died of Covid 19. And one of the head teachers that I used to work with, and whom I met several times enjoying his retirement at Play, Pie and a Pint, died suddenly on Christmas Day. He was only ten years older than me and in good shape. We really should enjoy life while we can. 
Despite rather wet weather, James has still been going out for his daily walk and yesterday he surpassed his year’s target of 8 million steps, which is pretty amazing. That means that this year he has walked about 4000 miles, or over 6000 km. so that means that he could have walked to India, or indeed to the Democratic Republic of Congo. I am very proud of him. 
Today however the weather was cold but beautiful, with the palest of pale blue skies. This was excellent timing because we had arranged to meet Christine and Gerry at Whitelee wind farm for a walk - an area in which it is currently legal for both families to take exercise, less than 5 miles from our own council boundaries. Although it was cold there was no wind at all, so we could stroll along, pleasantly chatting. It has been snowing up there and there was a light, but not too slippy, layer of crunchy snow beneath our feet. I had brought a flask of hot juice and James had brought a hip flask filled with port and brandy, which we had with mince pies beside the Covenanters Memorial. I didn’t realise that there is a tiny Covenanters museum at the farm there; we must visit it next year when hopefully it will reopen. We had a lovely afternoon. Carpe diem.

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