Thursday 3 December 2020

James has been baking

The days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder. I wrote all of my Christmas cards on Tuesday afternoon, while listening to a whole afternoon of Christmas music on Radio 2. I think this must have been because it was 1st December; I can’t believe that there will be 24 days of exclusively Christmas tunes. I took off my splint to write them because otherwise my writing would be too messy. Inevitably I still have a few changes of address to sort out but I’m 99% finished. 
Ally came round with her lovely basset hound Nelly yesterday and we went for a walk around the park, pausing on either end of a park bench for coffee from my new Chilly bottle. It’s so light and thin compared to the bulky flasks that I used to carry to school with my soup in them, and yet it keeps the tea absolutely piping hot! 
Today we woke to a light dusting of what might almost be called snow. James went out early for his walk and said that our street was like a sheet of ice but the park was extremely well gritted. I had a very pleasant trip with Catherine to Rouken Glen Garden Centre this afternoon. It was all carefully socially distanced but I’m not quite sure how it justifies being open as an “essential service” just now. We got takeaway coffees from the Boathouse Café up by the pond and had a nice chat. 
James has been doing some excellent baking recently which is not good for my waistline. At the weekend he made shortbread; very thin and delicious which is the way I like it. It literally melts in the mouth. And yesterday he made his signature lemon madeira cake which we have all been enjoying. 
This evening we gathered cozily on the couch and watched a Rangers game in the television room, well the other three did, while I browsed around in my phone. Rangers won 3-2 so James and Ally were well pleased, and so was Cat, who has also become an enthusiastic Rangers fan!

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