Saturday 12 December 2020


Ally and Cat cooked us a delicious meal last week. It was a spicy Japanese ramen dish and the flavours were absolutely gorgeous. James and Ally’s version included chicken and Cat made a tofu version for her and me. The tofu was browned and then marinaded and it was really excellent.
This got me thinking that my cooking is in a bit of a rut. I cook most of the evening meals because Ally and Cat work long hours and James is busy with all sorts of projects around the house. The exception to this is of course Curry Sunday, James’ tuna pasta bake, and the many times that Cat has stepped in to make the evening meal if I have something else on. I am very happy to make dinner, but recently I feel as if I’m producing the same eight or nine boring meals again and again. 
So this evening I decided to make a Mexican meal. I had all the ingredients ready and roped James in for the prep so that the constituent parts would be ready at the same time. The meal was to be Fish Tacos. My first mistake was using hard taco shells instead of soft ones which would have suited the recipe better, and my second mistake was to cut a corner by buying fish already coated in panko breadcrumbs; I thought that this would be much more convenient than coating it myself, but the result had a less homemade feel. The overall result was a bit disappointing to me. 
However I will keep trying to add a bit more variety to our menus. I enjoy making tagines, which Ally suggested when I was talking about zhuzhing up my cooking. Roll on Tagine Tuesday! 

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