Friday 18 December 2020

A Wedding and Christmas on screen

This afternoon a surprise message came through on Hugh and Lucy’s Wedding WhatsApp group. Like many other young people this year, their wedding has had to be postponed due to Covid, in their case from July 2020 to July 2021. The message informed us that they had just got married today in Gretna Green! To quote Lucy’s message, “This year has been pretty rubbish so we thought we'd end it on a high!” I’m very pleased for them; they are still planning to have a big celebration in due course. 

Christmas is only a week away and this evening Cat and I chose another festive film, The Holiday, which we have watched many times before, but is always good. It has a really excellent cast of actors; Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law and Jack Black. It also stars Eli Wallach, who we watched in “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” with Davie and Chanel when they visited us in Ullapool. He was looking very fit at 90 and in fact lived for another eight years after making the film. 

Cat and I finished watching “The Bold Type” last week. I had read that the filming of the fourth series had been interrupted by the outbreak of Covid, so the series was shorter than intended and the last couple of episodes had to be changed about. Well they did a good job because I thought it was still excellent; I hope that they commission another series. Cat and I went straight on to watch the whole of the series “Emily in Paris” which has been great fun. It’s about the adventures of a young American woman who is sent to work in Paris, and has to get used to the different culture. Lily Collins is delightful as Emily but the real star is beautiful Paris. I would love to go back there after Covid. 

1 comment:

  1. I am pleased you still love Paris as much as ever. When you open your Christmas present you will understand. Lots of love. xxx
