Friday 11 September 2020

Wind and rain in the north west

We have been back in Ullapool since yesterday, and as I write, the wind is howling around the cottage, and rain is battering against the windows. It has been wild weather all day although we managed to go for a walk around the village during a rare dry spell. We have taken the opportunity to do some useful tasks around the cottage; James has put some of our photos up on the walls, and we slightly trimmed the ordnance survey map that Davie gave us so that it fit the pinboard perfectly - it looks fantastic. 
In the evening we started watching the second series of Succession - despite pressing on with the second series I’m still not quite sure of how much I like it. Brian Cox is the best actor in it; no wonder that he has had such a long and successful career. He was the Rector of Dundee University from 2010 to 2016 when Jamie and Davie studied there and he attended every graduation (although he had finished his 2nd term by the end of Davie’s first year and the subsequent Rector was cyclist Mark Beaumont, who I once met when he visited the school where I was teaching.) 

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