Tuesday 8 September 2020

Fajita Time

Christine and Gerry came round on Monday evening and Cat made tea for us all. She made a delicious meal of fajitas with lots of fillings including chicken, roast peppers and onions, guacamole, grated cheese and soured cream. We assembled our fajitas while catching up on news and chatting. Flora was heard shouting during the meal and then startled us by emerging from the sideboard cupboard, into which she had sneaked earlier when I was getting a tablecloth! Then Cat and Ally showed us their recent climbing photos which looked fantastic on the television screen. Scotland really is beautiful.
This evening I went to the bathroom after tea and just as I sat down Flora came jumping (it seemed like levitating) out of the laundry basket with a loud cry; I was so surprised nearly fell off the toilet! Cat and I had a girls’ night and watched several episodes of “The Bold Type” which I am now completely hooked on; I like the fashion, the stories and the language of these young New York people. 

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